High Performance Computing Services
Caltech Central Cluster
Caltech's first centrally managed high performance computing cluster. After an initial investment of $2M from the Moore foundation with a matching investment from the Caltech, the institute has a state of the art computing framework.
Private Cluster Maintenance
Many research groups currently have their own HPC cluster. You may elect to have IMSS's professional systems staff provide systems maintenance for your cluster so that you can focus on your research rather than the technology enabling it, i.e., software updates, server and network maintenance, power, cooling, etc.

Cloud-based Computing
IMSS has experts on staff for your cloud-based computing needs. This expertise runs the range from simple S3 storage to large HPC workloads.

Scientific Software Development
If you our your group needs help with performance tuning existing code or creating new code, please don't hesitate to reach out to help-hpc@caltech.edu. We have a team of developers available that cater to academic software.