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Rate Structure

Total rates are broken into compute core hours and additional storage costs. Rates are based on a tiered structure. Tiers are reset every fiscal year.

Core Hour Calculations
Aggregate Spend Fee per compute unit
≤ $6,500 $0.014
$6,501-$24,000 $0.008
> $24,000 $0.005
Compute Units
1 CPU core hour = 1 computing unit
1 GPU hour = 10 computing units
Group Storage - 10TB initial allocation, up to 30TB available at no charge upon request from PI. $6.40/TB/Month additional beyond the free allocation. Please note: This storage system is being phased out and new requests for space will not be honored. 

Group Storage - 20TB initial allocation. $8.00/TB/Month additional beyond the free allocation.